TIME Magazine: what's the difference of Microsoft between Nadella and Gates?

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After Microsoft announced February 4 to assign Satya Nadella, the original supervisor of cloud computing department, to be the new CEO, this veteran who was born in India and has been working for Microsoft for 22 years drew the world’s attention. TIME Magazine online edition previously published an article to conclude and analyze the changes during Nadella’s Microsoft. The following is the main contents:

Satya Nadella has been acting as the CEO of Microsoft for only 9 months, however, during such a short time, he has conducted a great reformation for the company, especially towards the reduction of personnel scale. He completed the staff reduction plan announced July this year.

No matter whether his reformation plan for Microsoft can be successful or not, the company under his lead has made a huge difference from itself called “Technology overlord” in 1980s or 1990s. Let’s see the specific differences of Microsoft between Nadella and Bill Gates:

1. Microsoft now has a kind and gentle CEO. Compared to Gates’ severe, Nadella is quite low-profile and modest without losing earnest to his work.

2. The competition between Microsoft and Apple changed. Major earnings of Apple came from iPhone, realizing the total earnings of US$156 billion along with iPad and Mac, while that of Nokia phone and Surface pad was only US$23 billion.

3. Microsoft is no longer a monopolist, and has started participating the market competition. The company now has become a company participating the fierce market competitions including enterprise software, play station, search and PC operating system, etc.

4.It is no longer a company only relying on Windows.

5.It has stopped worries but learned to “open”.
The Microsoft Band and Microsoft Health recently released by the company support Windows, Android and iOS; in the meantime, it also released Office suite compatible with Android and iOS.

6. It is no longer a growth company.

7. It is acquiring the favor of the young generation.

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