What is AAWService.exe error and how to resolve it?

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AAWService.exe error is one of the commonly-seen Windows errors that you may encounter anytime. It appears when something goes wrong with the related program or process. There are many resons that can bring you the AAWService.exe errors message.

What is AAWService.exe exactly?

AAWService.exe technically means a necessary executable file used by applications on the Microsoft Windows Operating System. Many applications you are familiar with run as stand-alone executable by using AAWService.exe. Most services cannot run independently without the file. They need AAWService.exe to execute those files and runs them. That’s why you saw several copies of AAWService.exe running on Windows Task Manager.

Basically, the functionality of the system is intimately involved in the AAWService.exe file and any damage in the registry could corrupt it and result in errors.

AAWService.exe error analysis and method to fix it

Now you have a general idea of the main causes of AAWService.exe problem. You may test for each factor according to the actual situation on your system, and take the corresponding solution to fix AAWService.exe error.

hat if AAWService.exe file persists?

Try to reinstall the application related to AAWService.exe file. If the error message only appears when you open a program, it may indicate this application was incorrectly or incompletely installed. Try to uninstall this application and reinstall it, see if the AAWService.exe issue can be terminated and related errors can be fixed after the reinstallation.

If not, try to fix your computer registry. Registry issue is one of the main causes of system errors. To resolve this problem, you need to perform a full scan with a trustworthy repair tool and fix the invalid & corrupted entries related to AAWService.exe file. You can take the following steps to start:

1. Download and install the Windows Repair Tool on your computer.
2. Hit the “Scan” button to check for existing Windows registry problems.
3. Hit the “Fix” button to resolve AAWService.exe error and other detected problems.



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