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It is still memorizing and flesh when WannaCry ransomware attacked computer flaws during April 2017. Now, a new malware virus Satan is coming together with human “old friend” WannaCry, which focuses on encrypting server data files and extorting 0.3 bitcoins for ransom in three different languages of Chinese, Korea and English.

If you have no idea about what is WannaCry Ransomware, then read this blog for more information, and see what a damage it cost last year in large-scale of globe.

A new Ransomware as a Service, or RaaS, called Satan has been discovered by security researcher Xylitol. This service allows any wannabe criminal to register an account and create their very own customized version of the Satan Ransomware. Security technologists point out that Satan’s attack on the virus is focused on the server database, alerting business users to fix the bugs in time. It is reported that there are domestic users, the scope of the threat is also expanding.

Once the ransomware is created, it is then up to the criminal to determine how they will distribute the ransomware, while the RaaS will handle the ransom payments and adding new features. For this service, the RaaS developer takes a 30% cut of any payments that are made by victims. According to the advertisement for the Satan RaaS, the developer will reduce their cut depending on the volume of payments received by an affiliate.

The analysis found that the Satan blackmail is mainly encrypted against the database of the server, and is easily encrypted by a file such as. mdf,. ldf,. MyD, Myi, frm, dbf,. bak,. sql,. rar,. zip,. DMP, etc. as for enterprise users with a large number of important data, if the encrypted server database file is not backed up, it will cause irreversible damage to the normal business of the enterprise.

What’s more, Satan cyber-attack is kind like “international”, which including Chinese, Korea and English extortion information, and has to be seen that it’s not attacking a single area. According to extortion information prompt, victims required to pay 0.3 COINS as outlaws ransom in order to encrypted database file, or, it will not decrypt files for good if not being paid within 3 days.

What to do to prevent Satan

However, experts say the new ransomware Satan, which uses the “WannaCry” vulnerability as the attack tool, is threatening all over the globe, while on the other side, it can be effectively against if the system patches are installed in a timely manner. Experts also recommend the individual users should develop a good habit of using computer, be well prepared at defense work in advance at the seam time: close unnecessary ports as far as possible, use high-strength passwords to prevent hackers brute force, timely repair of the system high-risk vulnerabilities.

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